<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Response.Buffer = True Dim strTown, strMonths, strIndexes, strIndexesMedian, strDisplayMonth, arrIndex, arrMonth, arrAlpha, strOneMonth, strMonthsMedian, strCookiePresent strMonthsMedian = "Median,January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December,October,early May" strIndexesMedian = "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12" 'store strMonthsMedian in array arrAlpha which will be accessed by the numeric in arrMonth in order 'to get the alpha month value. arrAlpha = Split(strMonthsMedian, ",", -1, 1) 'Get the cookies. "TownValues" defines the where in the calendar a particular month lies for the area 'it relates to. '"MonthValues" is sequenced to permit relacement of the median month (hardcoded throughout) with 'the month number for the current area. strTown = (Request.Cookies("WeatherTown")("Town")) strMonths = (Request.Cookies("WeatherTown")("TownValues")) strIndexes = (Request.Cookies("WeatherTown")("MonthValues")) strDisplayMonth = (Request.Cookies("WeatherTown")("CurrentMonth")) arrIndex = Split(strIndexes, ",",-1,1) 'Has the user eneterd a location - if so use relevant months, if not use median months. If Request.Cookies("WeatherTown").HasKeys then arrMonth = Split(strMonths, ",", -1, 1) arrIndex = Split(strIndexes, ",",-1,1) strCookiePresent = "Y" else arrMonth = Split(strMonthsMedian, ",", -1, 1) arrIndex = Split(strIndexesMedian, ",",-1,1) strDisplayMonth = arrMonth(11) strCookiePresent = "N" end If '888 = UK: 999 = USA; 111 = Australia '888 = UK: 999 = USA; 111 = Australia 'For cases where there is a UK cookie but it is superceeded by a USA cookie If strTown = "999" then strCookiePresent = "N" end If 'For cases where there is a UK cookie but it is superceeded by an Australian cookie If strTown = "111" then strCookiePresent = "N" end If 'For cases where there is a UK cookie but it is superceeded by an Australian cookie If strTown = "111" then strCookiePresent = "N" end If %> <% 'USA section Dim strTownUSA, strMonthsUSA, strIndexesUSA, strIndexesMedianUSA, strDisplayMonthUSA, arrIndexUSA, arrMonthUSA, arrAlphaUSA, strOneMonthUSA, strMonthsMedianUSA, strCookiePresentUSA, strHardinessZoneUSA strMonthsMedianUSA = "Median,early January,mid January,late January,early February,mid February,late February,early March,mid March,late March,early April,mid April,late April,early May,mid May,late May,early June,mid June,late June,early July,mid July,late July,early August,mid August,late August,early September,mid September,late September,early October,mid October,late October,early November,mid November,late November,early December,mid December,late December" strIndexesMedianUSA = "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36" 'store strMonthsMedianUSA in array arrAlphaUSA which will be accessed by the numeric in arrMonth in order 'to get the alpha month value. arrAlphaUSA = Split(strMonthsMedianUSA, ",", -1, 1) arrMonthUSA = Split(strMonthsMedianUSA, ",", -1, 1) 'Get the cookies. "TownValuesUSA" defines the where in the calendar a particular month lies for the area 'it relates to. '"MonthValuesUSA" is sequenced to permit relacement of the median month (hardcoded throughout) with 'the month number for the current area. strTownUSA = (Request.Cookies("WeatherTownUSA")("TownUSA")) strMonthsUSA = (Request.Cookies("WeatherTownUSA")("TownValuesUSA")) strIndexesUSA = (Request.Cookies("WeatherTownUSA")("MonthValuesUSA")) strDisplayMonthUSA = (Request.Cookies("WeatherTownUSA")("CurrentMonthUSA")) strHardinessZoneUSA = (Request.Cookies("WeatherTownUSA")("HardinessZoneUSA")) 'Has the user entered a location - if so use relevant months index, if not use median months index. If Request.Cookies("WeatherTownUSA").HasKeys then arrIndexUSA = Split(strIndexesUSA, ",",-1,1) strCookiePresentUSA = "Y" else arrIndexUSA = Split(strIndexesMedianUSA, ",",-1,1) strCookiePresentUSA = "N" end If '888 = UK: 999 = USA; 111 = Australia 'For cases where there is a USA cookie but it is superceeded by a UK cookie If strTownUSA = "888" then strCookiePresentUSA = "N" end If 'For cases where there is a USA cookie but it is superceeded by an Australian cookie If strTownUSA = "111" then strCookiePresentUSA = "N" end If %> <% 'Australia section 'Australia section, Melbourne last frost is 26 (mid September), first frost is 15 (late May) Dim strTownAustralia, strMonthsAustralia, strIndexesAustralia, strIndexesMedianAustralia, strDisplayMonthAustralia, arrIndexAustralia, arrMonthAustralia, arrAlphaAustralia, strOneMonthAustralia, strMonthsMedianAustralia, strCookiePresentAustralia strMonthsMedianAustralia = "Median,early January,mid January,late January,early February,mid February,late February,early March,mid March,late March,early April,mid April,late April,early May,mid May,late May,early June,mid June,late June,early July,mid July,late July,early August,mid August,late August,early September,mid September,late September,early October,mid October,late October,early November,mid November,late November,early December,mid December,late December" strIndexesMedianAustralia = "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36" 'store strMonthsMedianAustralia in array arrAlphaAustralia which will be accessed by the numeric in arrMonth in order 'to get the alpha month value. arrAlphaAustralia = Split(strMonthsMedianAustralia, ",", -1, 1) arrMonthAustralia = Split(strMonthsMedianAustralia, ",", -1, 1) 'Get the cookies. "TownValuesAustralia" defines the where in the calendar a particular month lies for the area 'it relates to. '"MonthValuesAustralia" is sequenced to permit relacement of the median month (hardcoded throughout) with 'the month number for the current area. strTownAustralia = (Request.Cookies("WeatherTownAustralia")("TownAustralia")) strMonthsAustralia = (Request.Cookies("WeatherTownAustralia")("TownValuesAustralia")) strIndexesAustralia = (Request.Cookies("WeatherTownAustralia")("MonthValuesAustralia")) strDisplayMonthAustralia = (Request.Cookies("WeatherTownAustralia")("CurrentMonthAustralia")) 'Has the user entered a location - if so use relevant months index, if not use median months index. If Request.Cookies("WeatherTownAustralia").HasKeys then arrIndexAustralia = Split(strIndexesAustralia, ",",-1,1) strCookiePresentAustralia = "Y" else arrIndexAustralia = Split(strIndexesMedianAustralia, ",",-1,1) strCookiePresentAustralia = "N" end If '888 = UK: 999 = USA; 111 = Australia 'For cases where there is an Australian cookie but it is superceeded by a UK cookie If strTownAustralia = "888" then strCookiePresentAustralia = "N" end If 'For cases where there is an Australian cookie but it is superceeded by a USA cookie If strTownAustralia = "999" then strCookiePresentAustralia = "N" end If %> <% subject="Apple Arlington Pippin picture courtesy of GardenAction" pageHeading="" pageCategory="" pagekeywords="desert,apple,arlington pippin,apple" pageDescription="" pagemenu="" pagemoreInfo="" description="" commentid="276" menu="" %>  <% if subject="" then subject="Your fruit, herb and vegetable garden" pagekeywords="picture,garden,fruit,vegetable,herb," & pagekeywords if pageDescription="" then pageDescription="Your one stop resource for vegetable, fruit, herb and plant care in the garden and allotment." %> <%=subject%>

Garden Action

The premier gardening information source

<%if menu="" then%>



<%=menu%> > <%=pageHeading%>

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